Friday, January 30, 2009

We're having a Heat Wave!

We are having a HEAT WAVE!!! Okay enough is enough, thats all now, it can rain now.... Is anyone listening - that can help me??? I guess not, theres no point whingeing.... We had our hottest day for 70 years on Wednesday (45C) and since then we have had 44 and 43 blah blah blah until next week. When its hot its hot, I reckon- whether its 43 or 45 it makes no difference...As you can see our usually busy street is even quiet. And the temp. gauge @ home shows the top mercury which was the maximum @ our place. Not much more mercury to go on the gauge! And we are probably the coolest place is the state of South Australia! I honestly feel for the rest of you guys, in hotter regions.

My shop is fantastic with the air con. but we don't have air con. @ home. Even with a double brick house with lots of trees, its just too hot now. Is there an air conditioning firm which can put in air con. today? not likely....then I suppose we will lose power...

Sorry is that enough of a whinge? To make it so bizarre my DD3 is in the snow in New Jersey. She has on 2 pairs of tights, 2 pairs of socks, 2 singlets, 2 jumpers, coat, gloves and a hat. Man I feel worse thinking about it!

Anyhow that is what is happening in our part of the world.


App Store 3g said...
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Lorraine said...

not that far from you hot here as a/c at home but work is very nice!! I have been looking at the ice and snow on the blogs from the one out and about in this heat unless they have to!!

Sair said...

Far out, that is hot and i would be whingeing to mum.
HAHAHAha that was hilarous, your whole blog was about you having a cry about the heat. your funny!!!
Well just a little up date on our weather, its SNOWING and has been all day. I was gona go out today but nope i didnt want to drive in the snow, maybe tomorrow! Its a little annoying but all just to stay inside, Wyatt is down for his second snooze he's been good today even though hes getting sick.We've had about 2-3" of snow i rekon all day. Not as much as Vermont would have they had heaps of snow up was very deep. Anyway i better go wake Wyatt up as we need to jump in the car to pick up the kiddies, snow route today! argh so that means i DO have to drive...ill be very careful.